foreo luna
Skincare,  Skincare products

Top Reasons To Use FOREO Skincare Device

Skincare devices & tools have taken over the beauty market in past few years and have revolutionised skincare in ways that we haven’t seen before. Have you ever though why to use skincare devices?

If you are a fan of beauty gurus or influencers, you may have noticed that nearly everyone has at least one skincare device in their beauty arsenal and they are showing some incredible results. Now we can get these same results without leaving the house!

 The basic philosophy behind skincare devices is not to fully replace our usual skincare products -we’ll always need our cleanser and moisturizer no matter what– but to enhance the results we get from regular skin care regimes. Luckily now we are able to pamper ourselves with these amazing skincare devices easily at home.

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If you haven’t tried any skincare device yet, now it’s the time to get one! Since not all skincare devices work equally and are worth your money, we found something that you better try out for several reasons.

Here are the top reasons why you need FOREO skincare device on your skincare routine now:

No.1: There is a model for every skin type

Foreo has managed to create skincare devices for everybody. There are models for all skin-types:

  • Luna 2 – Pink for normal skin
  • Luna 2 – Blue for combination & oily skin
  • Luna 2 – Purple for sensitive skin

Each model also comes at various speeds and vibration settings so you can find the one that works better for you. If your boyfriend is not a skincare junkie – by using Foreo Luna 2 for Men is perfect way to remind him to cleanse his face. Also if you wanna pamper yourself – Foreo Luna Luxe is incredible beautiful addition for your skincare routine. You won’t need any other beauty device when you are using Foreo.

No.2: It’s very hygienic

 The smart structure of a Foreo device features high quality and non-porous silicone bits that are waterproof, quick-drying and resist the accumulation of nasty bacteria, even if you are not using it with a cleanser. This will cleanse your skin effectively and will not cross-contaminate your pores with dirt and bacteria which may aggravate acne or irritate the skin.

No.3: It gets the junk out of your pores

Foreo’s primary function is to lift off any piled up skin dirt and impurities that are trapped in the surface of your skin. If your skin is too sensitive to undergo more drastic procedures to get all this junk out e.g metal blackhead tools, this will quickly and deeply remove impurities without irritating your skin and leaving marks. 

No.4: It has anti-aging skincare benefits

The Foreo Luna 2 model has low-speed vibration options that activate skin cells to produce more collagen and reduce the appearance of saggy skin and wrinkles. Thus, if you wish to get more out of your skincare other than cleansing your skin pores, any of Foreo skincare devices will do it for you. 

No.5: It’s portable and convenient

 Thanks to their compact, lightweight and easy to carry design, the mini versions of Foreo Luna are ideal for busy women on the go. They fit easily inside your beauty bag and they don’t occupy much space. Also unlike other devices, they are fully battery-operated so you won’t need to carry chargers with you all the time.

Still not sure? Try this cute mini version before upgrading for FOREO Luna and get your skin glowing!

Some may be put off by the fairly high price of the typical Foreo Luna models but if you consider all the benefits this will bring to your skincare, we are talking about a real investment that will pay off. Afterall, you deserve to have a better complexion and FOREO is perfect for this purpose!

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